Become a GPSC Representative
Each spring, the GPSC holds a general election to select new Council members. Representatives are elected by students within their college; the call for candidates is made early in the spring semester, and any graduate student in good standing may run to represent his or her college. Seats not filled during the general election are opened for a special election in the fall. Information for upcoming elections will be coming soon!
Furthermore, you can be part of different campus committees and advocate for the general graduate and professional students.
Volunteer with GPSC
Graduate and professional students may petition to become non-voting members of the GPSC by contacting the GPSC President. Additionally, we need Grant Judges and volunteers for events such as blood drives, socials and graduate orientation. Contact GPSC for more information about upcoming volunteer opportunities or you can visit the Funding webpage for more information about serving as a Grant Judge.
Contribute to GPSC
GPSC kindly accepts contributions that can be directed to our account under the University of Arizona Foundation. Please click here if you would like to make a donation.