The next round of the Basic Needs Microgrant will open March 17, 2025.
The GPSC Basic Needs Microgrant (BNM) aims to support undergraduate, graduate, and professional students in times of great financial hardships. The goal is to alleviate some of the financial burden students might be experiencing by helping them with healthcare, academics, hygiene, childcare, transportation, and/or housing-related essential costs. The BNM is open to all students who demonstrate a genuine unmet financial need, and we encourage applications from historically underrepresented groups including, but not limited to Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) students, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA+) students, first-generation students, single parents, international students, refugees, undocumented students, immigrant students, students with disabilities or chronic illnesses, and students from low socioeconomic status backgrounds.
The goals of the Basic Needs Microgrant are to:
Provide short-term microgrants, to assist undergraduate, graduate, and professional students facing financial hardships.
Provide financial aid for students to focus on their academic success.
Provide access to basic services such as medical and mental health services and other essential costs.
Funding cycle
The BNM grant will be offered twice a semester, and four times a year. Due to GSPC staff capacity, there is a capped number of applications that can be submitted each cycle. Please note that the Basic Needs Microgrants are administered to eligible applicants on a first come, first serve basis.
Basic Needs Microgrants have the following deadlines for the 2024-2025 academic year:
September round: Application Opens September 01 / Closed
November round: Application Opens November 11 / Closed
January round: Application Opens January 27 / Closed
March round: Application Opens March 17
Please read ALL of the sections on this web page before you submit an application. To ensure your application receives full consideration, please check the GPSC BNM Grant Evaluation Rubric and fill out your application accordingly. Questions regarding any part of the application process may be directed to the GPSC Grants Office at, CC
Need assistance navigating Basic Needs Microgrant requirements or have questions?
Please visit the GPSC Grants Director during office hours:
Funding Director, Roselyn Amamoo: Monday 12-1 p.m.
Grants Director, Elham Chelabi: Tuesdays 12-1 p.m.
GPSC Council Office - 1031 N. Mountain Ave.
Please note that online appointments can be requested via email: CC
To complete your grant application, you will be directed to Submittable, a third party survey platform. By continuing with this application, you agree to provide your student information to Submittable, and to having Submittable receive and process that student information, in order to complete your application and be considered for a grant award.
GPSC is not responsible for non-payments to awardees due to inaccuracies or mistakes on GPSC grant applications. Applicants are solely responsible for ensuring that all materials and information provided in the GPSC applications is accurate. Mistakes, errors, and inaccuracies in the application (e.g., the wrong student ID number) may result in your application being disqualified or unprocessed awards.
GPSC BNM Grant Evaluation Rubric
The GPSC BNM grants are intended to cover up to $200.00 to alleviate some of the financial burden students might be experiencing by helping cover healthcare, academic, hygiene, childcare, transportation, and/or housing-related essential costs.
The requested items may include, but are not limited to:
Technology for remote work (computer equipment such as keyboards, video cameras, office equipment, printers, ink, etc.)
Personal hygiene products (feminine products, soap, shampoo, hand sanitizer, etc.)
Childcare products (diapers, formula, medication, maternity/postpartum products, etc.)
Health (reproductive health needs, first-aid supplies, prescription drugs, copays for health services, band-aids, face masks, etc.)
Automotive (windshield wipers, subsidy towards replacement parts, oil changes, etc.)
Housing (replacement keys, late fees for housing payments, groceries, etc.)
Parking and Transportation (parking passes, bus/train tickets, etc.)
Academic (glasses, learning equipment, notebooks, textbooks, laptops, pencils, pens, etc.)
Tax needs
Prohibited items include:
Tuition and fees
Professional development / social club membership dues
Any items that are already covered under one of the other GPSC grants (travel, research, project-related expenses, etc.)
Applicants must be University of Arizona graduate, undergraduate, or professional students at the time of award.
Applicants may only submit one application at a time.
Applicants are only eligible to receive one BNM Grants per academic year.
The number of awards offered each grant cycle is contingent upon availability of funds and the number of applications received. BNM is not a guaranteed source of funding.
The BNM grant will be offered twice a semester, and four times a year. Due to GSPC staff capacity and budget constraints, there is a capped number of applications that can be submitted each cycle. All eligible Basic Needs Microgrant applications are administered on a first come, first serve basis.
For information regarding the necessary components of a BNM Grant application as well as the criteria used by judges to evaluate BNM grant applications, please refer to the GPSC BNM Grant Evaluation Rubric.
GPSC BNM grant will be offered four times a year, twice a semester. All required materials must be submitted to the online portal by 11:59 PM Arizona Time by the day of the deadline. No exceptions will be made. Due to staff capacity, the number of applications GPSC accepts each cycle for the BNM grant is capped. All eligible applications will then be determined via a lottery system.
An automated submission confirmation email is generated once an online application is submitted.
Applicants will be notified via email when their application status changes (Accepted, Declined, etc.). Applicants may also check the online application portal for status updates.
Applications are reviewed after the application deadline closes. Award decisions will be sent 2-4 weeks after the deadline.
If awarded a BNM grant, the applicant will be asked to accept or decline the award. Upon accepting the award, the approved amount will be distributed through the awardee's Bursar's account as a stipend within two to three weeks after award notification. Stipends are considered taxable income and may affect financial aid status.
Applicants who were not awarded are encouraged to reapply during subsequent rounds, provided that all eligibility criteria are met (see the “Eligibility” section above).
If you are awarded a BNM Grant but would like to decline your award, please notify the Grants Office at immediately for instructions on how to return unused funds. If taxes were automatically withheld from your award, only the award amount released to you is to be returned to the GPSC.
Any funds being returned to GPSC must be returned prior to June 1 of the fiscal year in which you were awarded.
Each GPSC grant application is reviewed and evaluated by GPSC staff.
Any undergraduate, graduate or professional student may volunteer to serve as a judge. Serving as a GPSC Grants Judge allows would-be applicants to obtain an insider's perspective on the evaluation process. Other reasons to be a judge include:
Formulating a more competitive application by reviewing actual applications
Additional service or volunteer experience for the relevant sections of your CV or resume
Obtaining an insider's perspective on an evaluation process similar to how major granting agencies (NSF/NIH/NEH) award research grants
Being involved in a central part of student governance
If you are interested in serving as a judge for GPSC Grants programs (ReaP, Travel, POD, PPG), please sign-up here.
Confidentiality Requirement for GPSC Applicants and Reviewers-
The Graduate & Professional Student Council (GPSC) at the University of Arizona takes seriously our responsibility to maintain confidentiality throughout the review process. This policy serves to remind GPSC Officials, GPSC Directors, and Peer judges of their responsibility concerning confidentiality in the application review process.
Measures to Ensure Confidentiality:
GPSC Grants & Funding policy directs applicants to not include any personal identifiers in their application documents.
Applicants may need to identify in grant applications information that the applicant considers being trade secrets, information that is commercial or financial, or information that is privileged or confidential.
When such information is included in the application it is with the understanding that the information will be used or disclosed only for the evaluation of the application.
The information contained in applications shall not be used or disclosed except for evaluation purposes unless disclosure is mandated by University Policy or applicable law.
An applicant may not contact student reviewers/judges or Council members who potentially may be involved in the evaluation of an application. Applicants may request information and clarifications only from the Grants Director or the Funding Administrator.
Student reviewers/judges and Council members are instructed to direct all such inquiries to the attention of, and notify directly, the GPSC Grants Office.
GPSC is committed to protecting such information, including measures to ensure confidentiality in the review.
1) Before participating in the initial review for grant applications every individual involved in the process must certify a Confidentiality and Non – Disclosure Rules [Click Here for Confidential Agreement] before gaining access to information about the applications, proposals, or review. GPSC is not liable for the intentional breach of confidentiality by reviewers.
2) Data Security
GPSC uses a third - party platform Submittable for Grants application, submission, and management.
GPSC is not liable for any third-party security breach and hacking of our emails, computers, cloud, and servers.
Thank you to our supporters!
BNM grants are made possible by funds provided by the Student Services Fees, GPSC, and the Graduate College. Thank you to all of our partners for their meaningful contributions to graduate and professional student advancement.