GPSC Elections

Interested in joining? GPSC will have a number of vacancies for the 25-26 term.

Simply fill out a petition. Instructions for running under the FAQ tab below. Please reach out to the GPSC Elections Director ( for more information and for any questions that you might have!  

*All positions are compensated please see info in drop downs below*

*Stipends change year to year, 2025-2026 stipends will be confirmed when GPSC 2025-2026 budget is confirmed*

GPSC Executive Board Positions:

  • President
  • Executive Vice-President
  • Administrative Vice-President
  • Secretary*
  • Treasurer*
  • Assembly Chair*

GPSC Representative(s): ​(Number of available seats for each college is indicated below):

  • College of Agriculture, Life Sciences & Environmental Science (CALES) (1 rep position)
  • College of Architecture, Planning & Landscape Architecture (CAPLA)(1 rep position)
  • College of Applied Science & Technology (CAST) (1 rep position)
  • College of Education (2 rep positions)
  • College of Engineering (2 rep positions)
  • College of Fine Arts (1 rep position)
  • College of Humanities (1 rep position)
  • College of Health Sciences (1 rep position)
  • College of Information Science (2 rep positions)
  • College of Law (2 rep positions)
  • College of Management (3 rep positions)
  • College of Medicine (Phoenix) (2 rep positions)
  • College of Medicine (Tucson) (2 rep positions)
  • College of Nursing (2 rep positions)
  • College of Optical Sciences (1 rep position)
  • College of Pharmacy (2 rep positions)
  • College of Public Health (1 rep position)
  • College of Science (2 rep positions)
  • College of Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS) (2 rep positions)
  • College of Veterinary Medicine (1 rep position)
  • Graduate College (GIDP) (2 rep positions)
  • At-Large Representatives (up to 7 rep positions)

GPSC Petitions are available at the following link:

Note: Prospective candidates can use the GPSC created qualtrics template to collect signatures. A tutorial for how to create, distribute, and download your signatures can be found here

Estimate Time Commitments:

  • GPSC Representative: 2-3 hrs per week
  • GPSC Officers*: 5-7 hrs per week
  • GPSC Vice Presidents: 10 hours per week
  • GPSC President: 10 hrs per week

*If you are interested in becoming a GPSC Officer (Assembly Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer), you must first be elected as either an At-Large Representative or Representative of the college you're enrolled in. Elections for Assembly Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer will take place at a GPSC meeting following the conclusion of the general election.

For questions, please contact the Elections Director (

Some of the GPSC executive board positions are appointed as Graduate Assistants by the Graduate College whereas other members of the executive board and general council are provided an annual stipend. These compensations are annually being reviewed by the Graduate College.

All Graduate Assistants receive an annualized compensation (stipend) and all GA benefits based on their date of appointment including prorated health insurance. The benefits for GA's can be found on the Graduate College’s website. A GA's stipend amount is determined by the respective college.

*Stipends change year to year, 2025-2026 stipends will be confirmed when GPSC 2025-2026 budget is confirmed*

  1. President: The GPSC President acts as the Chair of the EB. In that capacity, the President shall schedule, organize, and lead all EB meetings, meet regularly with UA administration officials, (including the University President, Provost, Vice Provost for Graduate and Undergraduate Education, Dean of Students, SVP Business Affairs, SVP University Initiatives, SVP Research, Innovation and Impact, Associate Vice - Provost DEI, Director of Student Union, Campus Rec, and Health and other VPs and Directors on campus), ensure GPSC officers and committee chairs fulfill their duties and work with the GPSC Faculty Advisor to oversee GPSC directors and staff. 
    Time Commitment: 10 hours/week.

  2. Executive Vice President: The GPSC Executive Vice-President acts as the Chair of an internal committee, as assigned by the President, coordinates visits with graduate program coordinators and directors of graduate studies in academic units on campus, reviews the activities of the Director of Legislative Affairs, GPSC Institute Director, and Development Coordinator (in cooperation with the GPSC President) and serves on two external university-wide committees of significance. In the event, the President is unable to fulfill the duties outlined above, the Executive and Administrative Vice-Presidents shall jointly fulfill those duties. 
    Time Commitment: 10 hours/week.

  3. Administrative Vice President: The GPSC Administrative Vice-President shall act as the Chair of an internal committee, as assigned by the President; serve as the point of contact for all GPSC representatives, organize and facilitate representative orientation, team-building exercises, and community service projects; review the activities of the GPSC representatives (in cooperation with the GPSC President); in cooperation with GPSC President, appoint GPSC officers and representatives to serve on university-wide external committees, GPSC internal committees and external advocacy groups as deemed necessary; serve on two external university-wide committees of significance; collect and compile representative reports. In the event, the President is unable to fulfill the duties outlined above, the Executive and Administrative Vice-Presidents shall jointly fulfill those duties. 
    Time Commitment: 10 hours/week.

  4. Assembly Chair: The GPSC Assembly Chair shall act as the Chair of an internal committee, as assigned by the President; Include EB decisions on the agenda of upcoming GC meetings; Distribute the preliminary version of the agenda to the General Council at least 5 days before each GC meeting; Prior to scheduling meetings for the upcoming semester, give GC representatives at least 1 week to report on their availability to attend GC meetings during the semester; Conduct council meetings according to Arizona Open Meeting Laws and Robert’s Rules of Order; Organize General Council meeting space. 
    Time Commitment: 5-7 hours/week.  

  5. Treasurer: The GPSC Treasurer shall hold a minimum of one office hour per week; Act as the Chair of an internal committee, as assigned by the President; Make monthly reports to the EB on the GPSC budget and appropriations committee activities; Assist with grant applications and reports, especially with the Student Services Fee Advisory Board (SSFAB); Meet regularly with the GPSC Program Coordinator, Club/POD Administrator, and other budget holders; Determine and disburse officer and representative stipends on time according to the GPSC Bylaws. 
    Time Commitment: 5-7 hours/week.

  6. Secretary: The GPSC Secretary shall hold a minimum of one office hour per week; Act as the Chair of an internal committee, as assigned by the President; Take detailed minutes of all GC and EB meetings, including attendance and all decisions; Distribute minutes to the General Council within the ten (10) days immediately following each meeting. 
    Time Commitment: 5-7 hours/week.

1. What do I need to do in order to run?

Complete a nominating petition! Petitions will be available at: 

2.  Can I use an electronic petition to get signatures?

We have created an electronic petition form through Qualtrics. For instructions on how to access the GPSC Elections Petition template on Qualtrics, see this video.

3. Can I campaign?

Absolutely! Please be sure to follow the guidelines outlined in the GPSC Election Code: 

4.  I have an issue with the elections. What should I do?

If you believe there has been a violation of the GPSC Elections Code, you may appeal by submitting an Elections Complaint form. Elections Complaint forms can be found here. Please email the completed form to The deadline for submission of a complaint is 24 hours after voting has closed.

Have more questions about GPSC elections? 

Please email the Elections Director at: